SWOOP Analytics® | Digital Workplace Analytics

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2 for 1 offer to help you transition from Workplace to Viva Engage

Workplace from Meta is closing down on September 1, 2025, and until then, SWOOP Analytics for Workplace will be fully operational.  

Between now and September 1, 2025, we want to help you migrate to Viva Engage. We are offering access to both SWOOP Analytics for Workplace and SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage for up to 12 months for the same subscription fee. 

This allows you to continue to have full access to SWOOP Analytics for Workplace as you make the transition to Viva Engage, and all the while you’ll also have complete access to SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage at no extra cost. You’ll be able to see exactly how the migration is being embraced across your organisation, you’ll see which influencers to target to help with the transition, and you’ll understand the health of your communities. 

If you’re still undecided about which platform to transition to, SWOOP Analytics CEO Cai Kjaer has outlined the options available. We’ve also done the analysis, based on years of data, to find out if Viva Engage is as good as Workplace.  

The data tells us that Viva Engage is just as effective as Workplace from Meta, if not better, at connecting people and allowing communication to flow. 

In the table below we have outlined a set of metrics and scores that are based on analysing millions of interactions users have performed on Workplace and Viva Engage. And we have outlined what business outcome they relate to.

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The comparison table above demonstrates that the two platforms can deliver similar business outcomes. In most cases, the differences are insignificant. However, two areas stand out. The proportion of messages posted in public communities is higher on Viva Engage than Workplace, and the proportion of messages which include a question (Curiosity Index) is also higher on Viva Engage.  

Public Messages = Transparency = Knowledge-sharing 

Transparency and knowledge-sharing go hand in hand. On Viva Engage, employees are better at connecting with colleagues across organisational, functional and geographical boundaries in open forums. This allows for more cross-pollination of ideas, and less of “if only we knew what we know”.  

Also, our benchmarking on Viva Engage and Microsoft Teams has clearly shown communities on Viva Engage are mostly large and open, whereas teams on Microsoft Teams are smaller and private. If you are moving to Viva Engage, you can therefore expect that some of your colleagues will opt for Microsoft Teams, leaving Viva Engage for broader and more public conversations.  

Asking questions = Trust = Speed 

Another encouraging outcome those moving to Viva Engage can expect is that more questions will be asked. When we ask questions, it is a sign of trust. In low trust cultures people don’t ask questions. It is a sign of weakness, or something employees have learned is not encouraged. Trust is closely related to how fast you can move as a business. High trust = High speed.  


Had it not been for the fact that Workplace has decided to close, it might be less straightforward to recommend a move to Viva Engage. While there might have been cost savings, technology optimisation or similar benefits associated with a move, it seems both platforms have successfully enabled strong business outcomes. 

However, given that Workplace is going away, and that Viva Engage is performing better, a move to Viva Engage seems like a no-brainer.  

How SWOOP Analytics can help as you migrate to Viva Engage 

We’re going to assume that you have decided to move to Viva Engage, and we suggest you consider using SWOOP Analytics for Workplace and SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage to help.  

Understanding the landscape 

Before embarking on this journey, it's crucial to understand the current state of your Workplace site. Using SWOOP Analytics for Workplace, you can gain insights into how your organisation is collaborating, identify key influencers, and understand the health of your communities. This will provide a solid foundation for your migration plan. 

Planning the migration 

With a clear understanding of your current landscape, you can begin to plan your migration. You can identify which groups and content need to be migrated to Viva Engage. Prioritise based on activity levels, business criticality, and the readiness of the group members for the change. 

Preparing for the change 

Within SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage, you can see the most Influential People across each department, segment, or across the enterprise. 

Change can be daunting, but with the right preparation, it can be managed effectively. Use the insights from SWOOP Analytics to identify key influencers who can act as change champions. Develop a communications plan to keep everyone informed about the migration process and the benefits of moving to Viva Engage.  

Executing the migration 

With a plan in place and your organisation prepared for the change, you can begin the migration process. This will involve technical tasks such as setting up your Viva Engage environment, migrating content, and configuring settings. Remember to test thoroughly before going live.  

Monitoring post-migration 

Once you've migrated to Viva Engage, use SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage to monitor the health of your new digital environment. Track key metrics such as engagement, responsiveness, and cross-departmental collaboration. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes. 

Continuous improvement 

The journey doesn't end with migration. Continually monitor your Viva Engage environment with SWOOP Analytics, and use the insights to drive ongoing improvements.  

Contact the SWOOP Analytics team now to get started. 

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