Security & Compliance
SWOOP Analytics is committed to Information Security
SWOOP Analytics® is committed to dealing with client and SWOOP’s business information securely. SWOOP makes this commitment as it recognises the importance of dealing with information free from outage, misuse and unauthorised alteration - critical requirements to meet business objectives, client obligations and regulatory requirements.
SWOOP Analytics will meet this commitment by alignment and compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems.
SWOOP Analytics also complies with GDPR meeting the obligations of a Data Processor.
SWOOP Analytics® is ISO 27001 certified
ISO 27001 is a globally recognised information security standard which lays out the requirements for a comprehensive Information Security Management System. Certification is only given to organisations that have successfully been independently audited for compliance. SWOOP Analytics is also complying with the requirements set out in GDPR.
Do you have a question about security?
If you have a question about security or believe you’ve found a vulnerability,
please contact us via our support portal.