We’ve moved SWOOP Chat online so no matter where you are in the world, or what time zone you’re in, you’ll have full access to all the content from SWOOP Chat online.
SWOOP Chat with Mercy Health
Learn how Mercy Health, a 100+ year-old health care provider, used Workplace from Facebook to establish asynchronous conversations with frontline staff to keep them connected, informed and up-to-date during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SWOOP Chat with The Big Picture People
Craig Smith from The Big Picture People speaks with SWOOP Analytics® CEO Cai Kjaer about the importance of managers and leaders facilitating conversations.
SWOOP Chat with Dr Heidi Gardner
Did you know a person's collaboration style can make four times the difference in revenue return? Have you stopped to think about the cost to your bottom line from not collaborating across your company?
SWOOP Chat with Rishi Nicolai, Microsoft
Microsoft's Modern Collaboration Architecture (MOCA) is learning how to use digital tools to enable improved collaboration across the organization using Microsoft Teams, Yammer and the rest of the Microsoft 365 suite.
SWOOP Chat with ANZ Bank
ANZ Bank shares its experience using Microsoft Teams and Yammer to keep employees connected and collaborating during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What does “good” look like in Microsoft Teams?
In this video, we give you a brief overview of the findings from our world first benchmarking of Microsoft Teams, share with you worst practices in Teams, show you what a high performing team looks like and share real-life best practices from customers.
SWOOP Chat with Jessica Lipnack
Jessica Lipnack is the author of Virtual Teams, a book written in 1997 but one that describes how most people are working during the COVID-19 crisis. Jessica and SWOOP Chief Scientist Dr Laurence Lock Lee discuss how to keep teams productive while working virtually and the new challenges facing leaders around the world.
SWOOP Chat with Humana
US health insurer Humana talks about connecting its 43,000+ employees with Yammer and Microsoft Teams, especially during the COVID-19 work from home environment.
SWOOP Chat with RACQ
SWOOP Chat with Andrew van der Beek, Internal Communications Advisor, RACQ.
Interview with Oscar Trimboli:
How to ask questions that create connections and impact for leaders.