Case Studies
Learn how leading organisations are using SWOOP Analytics® to drive business value and engagement with their Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, SharePoint intranet and Workplace from Meta networks.
M365 | Microsoft Teams | SharePoint | Viva Engage | Workplace from Meta
Executive Leadership | ROI | Employee Engagement | Culture | Videos
Medibank - Creating the healthiest workplace in Australia by engaging employees
When Australian health insurer Medibank was moving to a brand new office, right from the go-get it got employees involved in decision making through posts, polls and storytelling on Viva Engage.
Western Sydney University – The power of pets and pictures to persuade people to (Viva) Engage
Are you struggling to get your colleagues engaged on Viva Engage? Do you want to inject some fresh content that leads to conversation starters?
This is the story for you! It’s simple, and one you can emulate today.
RAA – Engaging with purpose
See how a simple adoption campaign offering a free coffee can get colleagues flocking to Viva Engage!
Arqiva - The magic in governance, combined with CEO support
When British technology services business Arqiva relaunched its Viva Engage network in March this year, it put in place two governance measures that have resulted in the network’s success.
Westpac New Zealand - Authenticity, fun and informality: a recipe for Viva Engage leadership success
From getting new leaders to record a video of themselves answering random questions to Lady Whistledown posts, it’s easy to see why Westpac New Zealand ranks as one of the world’s top performing Viva Engage networks.
Transport for NSW - Wattle the Wonder Bear
A stuffed bear has had a major impact at Transport for NSW. It’s responsible for getting people to use Viva Engage, and in doing so, connect people across an entire organisation and state, breaking down departmental hierarchies, and creating measurable business value.
The NRMA – Wrapping the year with data
Learn how The NRMA created an enterprise-wide wrap of how leaders and team members are using Viva Engage, and how you can do so too!
RealFoundations - Viva Engage + Microsoft Teams: why we need both
If you’re working in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, chances are you’ve been asked why you need Viva Engage when you’re already using Microsoft Teams.
Couldn’t you just have a large team on Microsoft Teams and eliminate the need to switch between the two platforms?
Aggreko – How to target the intranet to your audience
At Aggreko, the intranet is targeted to each and every audience. By enabling audience targeting, specific content is prioritised to specific audiences and it’s been a game changer in getting employees more engaged on the intranet.
IFM Investors - Forget all company emails, use the All Company Viva Engage community instead
If you want to reach every employee at global investment services provider IFM Investors, forget about sending an all-employee email. Instead, post on Viva Engage.
Medibank – Connecting more than 80 stores with one community
With more than 80 stores scattered across one of the largest countries on the planet, Medibank’s frontline team members are some of the most connected and engaged in the world thanks to their vibrant Viva Engage community.
Aggreko - Stories from the heart
Aggreko, the global leader in providing energy solutions, has replaced the news feed on its SharePoint intranet with the Viva Engage All Company feed so every employee becomes an editor with the power to share stories.
Christian Aid – How to get every employee onto Viva Engage
At Christian Aid, almost every employee reads Viva Engage because a decision was made to make it the primary communications tool. Leaders and staff are banned from sending all company emails, and instead must communicate through announcements on Viva Engage.
Westpac New Zealand - How to become an influencer in a month
When the CIO of a major bank made the decision to move away from email updates and embrace Viva Engage for authentic, two-way connections, it took just a month for him to become one of the most influential people in the entire organisation.
Engage Squared – The power of puppy posts
There are three key purposes for using Viva Engage at Engage Squared. 1. Showcasing the completion of successful projects and sharing lessons learned. 2. Nurturing a culture of sharing and connectedness. 3. Reward and recognition.
Addressing the physical, as well as the digital, reality of hybrid work
We look at the physical, as well as the digital, needs of successful hybrid work. It’s time to turn your office space into a collaboration, or gathering, space so your employees want to return to the physical workplace, but not fulltime.
Transport for NSW - How external social media success can be used for internal comms
Transport for NSW shares how a successful external social media campaign also proved successful as an internal comms campaign on Viva Engage.
RealFoundations - Microsoft Teams v Viva Engage: why you need both
Do you question why Viva Engage is needed when you could just have a large team on Microsoft Teams and eliminate the need to switch between the two platforms?
Virgin Media O2 - A vehicle for employees’ voices
UK telco Virgin Media O2 tells how it uses M365 tools to give frontline workers a voice, reaching all the way to the CEO and resulting in company-wide changes.
Syngenta – building a successful SharePoint Online intranet
Within days of launching a new out-of-the-box SharePoint Online intranet, the average time spent on agri-tech organisation Syngenta’s intranet home page increased from 0.3 seconds to two minutes and 40 seconds.
How did they do it?