Case Studies

Learn how leading organisations are using SWOOP Analytics® to drive business value and engagement with their Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, SharePoint intranet and Workplace from Meta networks.

 M365 |  Microsoft Teams | SharePoint | Viva Engage | Workplace from Meta
Executive Leadership | ROI | Employee Engagement | Culture | Videos

ANZ - The evolution of the world’s top Viva Engage network 

ANZ was the first large-size organisation to top SWOOP Analytics’ global benchmarking of Viva Engage networks.

We take you on ANZ’s Viva Engage journey, from the start when the CEO led from the front, to today when collaborating on Viva Engage is part of the bank’s everyday culture.

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The NRMA - Motoring along with Yammer

CEO Emma Harrington admits she was nervous, and maybe even a little anxious, when she first started to share her thoughts, ask questions and open herself up on The NRMA’s Viva Engage network.

Fast forward four years and posting, listening and joining conversations on Viva Engage is the least pressured and most fun part of Emma’s job!

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Department of Transport and Main Roads - Keeping an open dialogue on Yammer

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Queensland, Department of Transport and Main Roads Director-General Neil Scales was unable to travel to physical sites, so he stepped in front of the camera to provide weekly updates about the latest COVID-19 news and impacts to the department. He then shared the videos on Yammer.

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Microsoft Teams, Culture, Executive Leadership Sharon Dawson Microsoft Teams, Culture, Executive Leadership Sharon Dawson

RealFoundations - Think more with Microsoft Teams

Working out loud in places like Microsoft Teams means you need to stop and think about what you’re going to share. Is it important? What are you saying or asking?

Stopping to think about what you want to say on a digital platform is part of the digital disruption happening at RealFoundations, a world leader in digital collaboration.

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RACQ - Top Yammer network

Imagine, days before your entire organisation is forced into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you join the company as the new CEO.

That’s exactly what happened at RACQ. Learn how the new CEO connected with his thousands of employees scattered across the enormous state of Queensland.

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