2025 Viva Engage Festival
The Viva Engage Festival is on Wednesday, November 12, 2025
all around the world.
What is the Viva Engage Festival?
Learn from Viva Engage experts and practitioners and build human connections across the world.
This global event covers the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific for 3 x half-day virtual sessions to showcase organisations that transform employee engagement with Viva Engage.
Mature Viva Engage networks:
Connect with other mature organisations, and take Viva Engage to the next level
Getting started with Viva Engage:
Learn from experienced practitioners and experts to increase speed and avoid bumps
Thinking about launching Viva Engage:
Learn about the ROI and the value proposition of Viva Engage
Agenda and key themes
The Viva Engage Festival will spark new ideas, and you will learn about a wide variety of topics including:
Viva Engage as an element in your Employee Engagement strategy
Engaging senior leaders
Measuring success
Engage and connect with top Viva Engage networks from around the world who will share their learnings and participate in free-flowing discussions.
Supported by Microsoft and organised by SWOOP Analytics this event will showcase the world’s best Viva Engage networks and awards will be presented to top performing organisations and communities.
Prepare for high intensity interaction
The Viva Engage Festival complements the lively discussions in the Viva Engage Customer Community. This is your opportunity to strengthen those relationships and build new ones.
We’re running the event as a Microsoft Teams meeting to allow people from different organisations to participate. We aim to make the chat component super active, so many voices can be heard. Speakers are there to prompt conversation in chat. Video on. Chat on. Be prepared to unmute.
All sessions are recorded.
We’ve heard from customers like you, that you want to connect and learn from the Viva Engage community of customers that exist across the globe. This is a great opportunity to showcase your success and learn from others in the community. We look forward to seeing you all at the festival!
CVP Viva Engage and Viva Goals, Microsoft
Re-live previous Viva Engage Festivals
Want to re-live the experience, or missed the event?
Explore content previous festivals:
2024 Viva Engage Festival Recordings
Australia Post
Connecting with frontline using Viva Engage Communities
SWOOP Analytics
Beyond dashboards: How generative AI is shaping the future of analytics for internal communications
Maximising Viva Engage: Top tips for connecting during a period of organisational change
SWOOP Analytics
Key insights from 2024/25 Viva Engage Benchmarking Report
Tata Steel
From conversation to transformation
“Ask-me-anything” about Viva Engage
London Stock Exchange Group
Preparing for launch: How to set up for Viva Engage success
Places for People
Making Viva Engage the heart of your internal comms landscape
Relaunching with purpose!
Realising our omni-channel vision at Vodafone
Cox Communication
Awakening Engagement: The Journey of Revitalizing Our Viva
Use Viva Engage to Amplify Business Priorities While Engaging Employees