Media Releases
World’s first analysis of collaboration platform Microsoft Teams
SWOOP Analytics has released the world’s first benchmarking of Microsoft Teams, revealing chat is the most used function on the collaboration platform and employees are members of, on average, three teams.
World’s most collaborative companies revealed
SWOOP Analytics has released the world’s largest-ever analysis of Microsoft Yammer networks and revealed the top performing companies from around the world.
Workplace by Facebook and SWOOP Analytics partner to help employees connect
Workplace by Facebook has teamed up with SWOOP Analytics to help organizations better understand how their employees are connecting and collaborating.
Engaging with online networks leads to higher grades
New research at Griffith has revealed a direct correlation between student activities on enterprise social networks (ESN) and their academic grades. The study examined the habits of online postgraduate students and how they engaged with Microsoft’s Yammer network to share ideas and collaborate with other students and academic staff.
Financial Review on SWOOP, collaboration and CEOs
The Australian Financial review has published a story about how SWOOP is assisting companies, and their CEOs, drive collaboration.
SWOOP releases 2017 Enterprise Social Network Benchmark Report
SWOOP Analytics, the world’s leading ESN analysis company, has released its 2017 benchmarking report based on a study of 57 organizations worldwide that examined more than 250,000 employees and almost six million digital interactions.
Aussie startup SWOOP becomes a Workplace by Facebook analytics partner
An innovative Australian startup company has partnered with Workplace by Facebook to offer analytics to business customers.
Impact of social networks on workplace “barely understood” says research team
The University of Sydney Business School has joined forces with SWOOP Analytics, the world’s leading enterprise social network analysis company, to explore the impact of social networks on the workplace.