
Interested in becoming a SWOOP partner? Find out all the information below and see if we’re a good fit.

Submit the form to let us know you’re interested.

No money change hands

We don’t pay each other commissions for any introductions we make for each other, or commissions related to any subsequent products/services delivered.

Our partnership core principles

Mutual value is essential

SWOOP works with partners where there is mutual value between SWOOP, our partner and the customer. All three parties must benefit from the partnership.

Full transparency

If either of us brings an opportunity to each other we will declare upfront any potential conflicts and will not simultaneously partner with a partner's competitor.

No overlap

SWOOP does not offer professional services. Our partners do not provide technology offerings that overlaps with SWOOP's offerings.

Partner form


What our ideal partner looks like:

  1. Together we deliver better outcomes for the customer than we could have done on our own.

  2. Partnering requires ongoing investment of resources from both sides. This requires some scale on both sides. A minimum of US$10m annual revenue is required to be accepted onto the partner programme.


Learn more about our SWOOP products

SWOOP for M365

SWOOP Analytics for

Solve the “What Tool When” challenge and guide individuals, business segments and the entire organisation to better collaborate using Microsoft 365.

SWOOP Analytics for
Microsoft Teams

Drive faster adoption by identifying the type of team you’re working with. Measure collaborative performance & adapt behaviours to reach better business value. 

SWOOP Analytics for
Viva Engage

Measure the effectiveness of your employee engagement initiatives to drive organisational performance. Analyse collaboration patterns across the enterprise. 

SWOOP Analytics for Workplace from Meta

Break down organisational silos, measure and improve employee engagement initiatives including sentiment analysis.

SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet

Break down organisational silos, measure and improve employee engagement initiatives including sentiment analysis.