SWOOP Analytics’
Viva Engage Success Guides
The business value /business case for Viva Engage
There’s little point trying to convince your leaders to adopt Viva Engage across your organisation if you can’t produce a business case to show the value of doing so.
The most recent data confirms people are using Viva Engage. Our 2024/25 Viva Engage benchmarking analysis reveals 78% of all employees are reading posts. The top 10 posts on Viva Engage get, on average, 30% of all registered users reading them making it an essential part of the internal communications channels mix. 55% of replies to Viva Engage posts come within the first 24 hours. And if you’re using Microsoft 365, you’re already paying for Viva Engage, so why not get a return on your investment?
Download SWOOP Analytics’ 2024/25 Viva Engage Benchmarking report
We’ve analysed more than 15 million Viva Engage interactions from more than three million employees across 70 enterprises and 3,751 Viva Engage communities.
This is SWOOP Analytics’ 10th annual Viva Engage Benchmarking Report. Supported by a decade of Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) data, this report boasts the world’s most comprehensive, long-term analysis of Viva Engage usage and behaviour patterns, based on real-time interactions.
Download more Viva Engage success guides
Get your own custom Viva Engage Benchmarking Report.
This custom report compares the results of your Viva Engage network with all other participating organisations. We will identify the top collaboration champions in your organisation, along with the best departments in your organisation, so you can learn from those within your own business. SWOOP Analytics Chief Scientist Dr Laurence Lock Lee will provide a qualitative summary of your organisation’s strengths and areas for improvement.
SWOOP Analytics is here to help.
How does your Viva Engage network compare with the best in the world?
Are you collaborating across your organisation to achieve business value?
Get a free demo of SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage to see how you compare and to identify the top performing communities, most engaging posts and the most influential people in your organisation.