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Announcing the world’s top M365 & Microsoft Teams Collaboration Champions
There was one common thread amongst all the teams and departments that ranked at the top of SWOOP Analytics’ 2023 M365 & Microsoft Teams benchmarking analysis - they had all made the decision to work together in the same way on their digital platform.

Mapping SWOOP Analytics reports to employee experience touch points
SWOOP Analytics has identified the opportunity for fusing survey-based “people analytics” insights with real-time workplace analytics to provide a continuous real-time improvement cycle.
In this article, Dr Laurence Lock Lee explores the richness of the insights available when experience/engagement surveys are combined with real-time workplace analytics.

We want you to join SWOOP Analytics’ 2023 M365 & Microsoft Teams benchmarking study
We’re preparing for SWOOP Analytics’ 2023 M365 & Microsoft Teams Benchmarking analysis and we want you to join in! Even better news for you – it’s free!
You’ll be able to immediately see how your organisation compares with the rest of the world and which digital behaviours you excel at, and which need a boost. SWOOP benchmarking is free and your data remains anonymous.

3 ways to work smarter, not harder
Is your email inbox driving you crazy? Are you sick of endless meetings and struggling to find the time to get uninterrupted work done? Is the rest of your team stuck in old ways of working?
We share our top 3 tips, based on the world’s largest analysis of Microsoft 365 usage, to help you work smarter, not harder.

All leaders aren’t equal when it comes to digital collaboration competencies
What’s in a name? We use real data from Microsoft 365 to find the job titles with strong digital collaboration competency roles and those with weak roles. What title do you go by at work?

Announcing the world’s top Microsoft 365 collaboration champions
Announcing SWOOP Analytics’ 2022 M365 collaboration champions.
Learn how benchmarking with SWOOP can identify the top performing teams and departments in your organisation.

How to successfully adopt good digital collaboration habits for hybrid working
SWOOP Analytics’ M365 benchmarking has uncovered “what good looks like”; and it is inspiring. However, it doesn’t come without effort. We show how SWOOP for M365 can play an important role in facilitating the adoption of best practice collaboration habits, at scale. This is something that will be essential if we are to navigate and thrive in the complex hybrid working world.

The line manager recrafted for hybrid working
What do you think has the biggest influence on successful hybrid working?
SWOOP Analytics’ M365 benchmarking analysis found the key indicator for hybrid working success is unifying groups around best practice digital collaboration habits.

Why all senior executives have to change the way they communicate and collaborate…and how to do it successfully
The COVID-19 pandemic means how and where work is done has changed forever for office workers. It requires senior executives to acquire new digital collaboration and communication skills to connect with employees.
We walk you through how to acquire these skills and how to measure success.

The cacophony that is our digital workplace
Any team is only as good as its weakest link so for digital collaboration to work, the collaboration habits of team members need to align if optimal team collaboration is to be achieved.
Find out why the wide variation in collaboration habits within close working teams can be disastrous.

All the gear and no idea
Microsoft 365 provides all the gear for digital collaboration but SWOOP Analytics’ world-first analysis of M365 shows many have no idea how to use it.

$ave millions by becoming Email Liberated: the ROI on better email practices
We'll show you how an organisation with 50,000 people can save almost $200,000,000 a year just by replacing one email a day with a Microsoft Teams or Yammer post.
Even an organisations with 1,000 people can save more than $3.8 million a year by making some simple changes.

Email Liberation – something worthy to strive for?
Do you have an email habit? Is email taking up hours of your working week?
As important as email can be, most of us are looking for ways for less reliance on email. While email can be a productivity drag, it isn’t going away. But that doesn’t mean there are no alternatives for improving our workplace productivity by spending less time on email.

Internal communications: Email vs Chat vs Discussion vs Meetings?
As we move to a more hybrid way of working, the digital communication modes you choose to use will become even more critical to overall productivity.
Remember, your personal choices will impact those you need to work with. It is best to set some ground rules at the start, rather than having to influence embedded habits in the future.

What is a good balance between Channel discussions and Chat in Microsoft Teams?
What is a good balance between Channel discussions and Chat in Microsoft Teams? It’s all about synchronous AND asynchronous communication.
Dr Laurence Lock Lee explains more.

SWOOP Analytics for M365: Improve collaboration habits for hybrid work
Hybrid work is here, right now. While hybrid work brings substantial benefits for employers and employees alike, it requires strong skills in online collaboration. We must excel at working asynchronously, as it’s unlikely every one will be back in the same room at the same time.
SWOOP for M365 helps you and your organisation develop better digital collaboration habits so you achieve these outcomes and thrive in a hybrid work setting.