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Are you suffering from FOFO? The Fear Of Finding Out
Are you working in internal communications and suffering from FOFO – the Fear of Finding Out?
We’ve all heard of FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out – but take a moment to think if you’re actually more concerned about finding out.
Regione Emilia Romagna - Viewing the big picture
Italian government Regione Emilia Romagna boasts one of the world’s most productive teams in Microsoft Teams, according to SWOOP Analytics’ analysis of almost 100,000 teams. Learn what makes it so successful.
Microsoft Teams collaboration is changing organisations from the inside out
Key insights from our 2021 Microsoft Teams Benchmarking Report presented as an infographic.
How to identify where digital transformation is happening in your workplace
We think somewhere in your organisation you have teams that showcase what digital transformation is all about. Do you know who or where they are?
SWOOP Analytics will identify them for you.
Improved “Help” feature is coming
We’re making it easier for you to find help within the SWOOP dashboard, delivering the help you need, when you need it.
5 step guide to running thriving communities
A 5-step guide to creating and maintaining your Yammer Community or Workplace from Facebook group.
“Right-sizing” your Microsoft Digital Teams with SWOOP
Are you managing the plethora of teams on Microsoft Teams? Are your inactive teams under control? Have you got your digital team size right?
If you’re overwhelmed by the “noise” coming from Microsoft Teams, follow Dr Laurence Lock Lee’s tips to “right-size” your digital teams.
Increase adoption: The case for promoting groups on Yammer or Workplace
Is there business value in joining more groups and communities on Yammer or Workplace from Facebook?
We’ve done the analysis and the answer might surprise you!
SWOOP Chat - Mercy Health
When you’re wearing a mask, goggles, full-face shield, gown and gloves and you’re busy trying to save lives, probably the last thing on your mind is checking-in on the latest communication updates from work on your mobile phone, no matter their importance.
It’s more than “liking”
Using collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams, Yammer and Workplace from Facebook is more than "liking", it’s about two-way conversations to achieve business value.
SWOOP Chat - The Big Picture People
When it comes to leaders connecting with employees, it’s all about the quality of the conversation.
Craig Smith from The Big Picture People speaks with SWOOP Analytics CEO Cai Kjaer about the importance of managers and leaders facilitating conversations.
“Asking questions and listening, that’s the art of it,” Craig says.
Learn more in this SWOOP Chat video.
When collaboration fails and how to fix it
Are you working in a dysfunctional team?
Traditional analysis might suggest your team is overwhelmed or isolated. By digging deeper into the analytics of your team, you may in fact be a high performing agile team or a thriving community of practice. It's all about the context.
Add some FART goals to your SMART goals for 2021
Excuse our rudeness, but have you considered your FART goals for 2021?
Engagement matters and education is an engagement sport
Engagement matters and education is an engagement sport. An analysis of Yammer networks on online university courses.
Setting Measurable Goals for Collaboration with SWOOP
At SWOOP, our mission is to make organisations and individuals better at collaborating, and that is why we are now introducing goal setting in SWOOP.
Working from home – data shows we’re adapting and staying positive
There's no doubting 2020 has been a tough year, which makes it perhaps even more surprising that research from SWOOP Analytics has found staff sentiment at work was far more positive than negative during the first six months of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Building an engaged, collaborative culture is serious fun
Building an engaged, collaborative culture is serious fun at data centre NEXTDC.
Microsoft Teams Chats, Calls and Meetings come to SWOOP
We've added data from Microsoft Teams calls, chats and meetings to the SWOOP for Teams dashboard.
World’s best Yammer collaboration champions
As part of SWOOP Analytics’ 2020 Yammer Benchmarking report we have identified the world’s best enterprise Yammer networks when it comes to collaboration and productivity, along with the top Yammer Communities.
Do conversations endure longer on Microsoft Teams or Yammer?
Does a conversation on Microsoft Teams have a longer or shorter life span than a conversation in Yammer?