Case Studies
Learn how leading organisations are using SWOOP Analytics® to drive business value and engagement with their Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, SharePoint intranet and Workplace from Meta networks.
M365 | Microsoft Teams | SharePoint | Viva Engage | Workplace from Meta
Executive Leadership | ROI | Employee Engagement | Culture | Videos
Medibank - Bridging the divide with Yammer during COVID-19 lockdown
Be inspired by how the leaders from Australia’s leading health insurer Medibank connected with employees during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Connecting essential frontline workers with Yammer during the pandemic
How one of the world’s most geographically dispersed ambulance services connected essential frontline workers with Yammer during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
RACQ - Top Yammer network
Imagine, days before your entire organisation is forced into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you join the company as the new CEO.
That’s exactly what happened at RACQ. Learn how the new CEO connected with his thousands of employees scattered across the enormous state of Queensland.
KLM - ROI and Sustainability
When a KLM pilot noticed he was carrying a full load of water on a plane only half filled with passengers due to COVID-19 restrictions, he posted on Yammer to ask if there was glitch. Sure enough, there was. The situation was addressed immediately, saving the airline money by reducing fuel and helping the environment.
RealFoundations - Email is where knowledge goes to die
Email is where knowledge goes to die. Other than rifling through the history of those who were included in the email chain, where was this knowledge shared? This was the concern for RealFoundations CEO Chris Shaida a decade ago.
ANZ - Top Yammer network
The key to ANZ’s Yammer success is using it as a listening tool for the bank’s executives and leaders, rather than a broadcasting tool, and providing leaders with the data to show them the impact of their connection.
Union for Reform Judaism - Top Yammer network
Gone are the days of email - collaborate on Yammer.
KLM - Yammer best practice community
Using analytics to tap into unrealised resources at Royal Dutch Airline KLM
Real Foundations
Twice a year, RealFoundations uses SWOOP Analytics to benchmark its employees, as an opportunity to see how they are collaborating on Microsoft Teams and Yammer.
Wiley - Instant ROI with Yammer
Global publishing company Wiley can immediately point to examples where it has saved money and time as a direct result of its collaborative culture on Yammer.
What Tool When?
SWOOP customers share their best practices for when to use Microsoft Teams and when to use Yammer.
Bankwest - Protecting customers by sharing on Yammer
It’s taken years to get to the point where employees will naturally post on Yammer, but at Bankwest, it is now the normal place where conversations happen and people engage.