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Digital Collaboration Platforms: A guide to choosing the right one for your collaborative tasks
We’re faced with a plethora of digital tools to conduct our work. We look to provide guidance on how collaborators within enterprises can make the right choices based on the collaborative tasks they are looking to undertake.

Announcing the world’s top M365 & Microsoft Teams Collaboration Champions
There was one common thread amongst all the teams and departments that ranked at the top of SWOOP Analytics’ 2023 M365 & Microsoft Teams benchmarking analysis - they had all made the decision to work together in the same way on their digital platform.

The cacophony that is our digital workplace
Any team is only as good as its weakest link so for digital collaboration to work, the collaboration habits of team members need to align if optimal team collaboration is to be achieved.
Find out why the wide variation in collaboration habits within close working teams can be disastrous.

Migrating groups between Microsoft Teams “Teams” and Yammer “Communities”
If you have more than 10 people in your team on Microsoft Teams, there’s every chance your “team” should be a “community” in Yammer.
We’ll help you determine where a group should be hosted - Yammer or Teams - and how to migrate between the two.

Transform your collaboration with these Microsoft Teams best practices
There are huge opportunities for most companies using Teams to change their collaboration for the better. Here’s how to take advantage.

Are remote workers less productive when working from home?
Remote workers are less productive when working from home. That’s the conclusion from an international study but what about measuring asynchronous work?

Top 3 tips for Project Managers using Microsoft Teams
We share the top 3 tips for Project Managers using Microsoft Teams.

How to use Microsoft Teams effectively - everything you need to know
The pandemic changed work forever. Here’s how to use Microsoft Teams effectively and transform the way your teams collaborate.

5 things to avoid when using Microsoft Teams – tips from the experts
5 things you must avoid when using Microsoft Teams.
The world’s experts in Microsoft Teams share their top tips for you to get he most from the digital platform.

How to identify where digital transformation is happening in your workplace
We think somewhere in your organisation you have teams that showcase what digital transformation is all about. Do you know who or where they are?
SWOOP Analytics will identify them for you.

“Right-sizing” your Microsoft Digital Teams with SWOOP
Are you managing the plethora of teams on Microsoft Teams? Are your inactive teams under control? Have you got your digital team size right?
If you’re overwhelmed by the “noise” coming from Microsoft Teams, follow Dr Laurence Lock Lee’s tips to “right-size” your digital teams.

Will the ‘Real’ Digital Team Please Stand Up?
Other than simple reports on digital team size and number of messages shared, the team-level analytics currently available are rudimentary at best. My previous article on building effective digital teams examined research my company, Swoop Analytics, did on over 1,300 self-declared digital teams across several organizations using the Workplace by Facebook platform. The average membership from these "teams" was nearly 300 and therefore, most could not be considered real teams. Nevertheless, one would expect that many, in spite of their size, are gaining value from their use of the digital platform.

What Does it Take to Build an Effective Digital Team?
We recently completed what we believe is the largest study of digital team collaboration performance ever undertaken. We analyzed 1,360 digital teams from nearly 70 organizations from a full breadth of industries and geographies. The digital interactions of over 400,000 team members and nearly 2 million interactions over an extended 6-month period were analyzed. Our sample was drawn from users of the collaboration platform Workplace by Facebook, where groups have been self-identified as a team.