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Viva Engage or Yammer? Confusion continues to reign!
It’s been more than a year since Microsoft retired the name “Yammer” and rebranded the enterprise social network “Viva Engage”. Has the new name been embraced?

Viva Engage Advanced Analytics v SWOOP Analytics
We've done a comparison of SWOOP Analytics for Viva Engage compared with Viva Engage Advanced Analytics so you can see exactly what you're getting with both.
While much of the Advanced Analytics is for monitoring, SWOOP's approach to analytics is to help people see the strength of their collaborative relationships, the persona they exhibit to other users and nudges to help make improvements. We also consider social listening more broadly than the Advanced Analytics approach. It is crucial to get insights about topics people are talking about beyond those initiated by corporate communications.

Mapping SWOOP Analytics reports to employee experience touch points
SWOOP Analytics has identified the opportunity for fusing survey-based “people analytics” insights with real-time workplace analytics to provide a continuous real-time improvement cycle.
In this article, Dr Laurence Lock Lee explores the richness of the insights available when experience/engagement surveys are combined with real-time workplace analytics.

The perfect Community Manager – is there such a thing?
What makes a good community manager? If there was a simple answer to this, many of us may be out of a job!
Pete Johns has tapped into the brains trust to find if there’s an answer to this question.

Are you winning or losing in digital collaboration?
How can you know if you’re winning or losing when it comes to digital collaboration? The answer is; data.
If you’re using Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Viva Engage, Yammer or Workplace from Meta, we can provide you with a custom report to show you exactly how your organisation’s digital collaboration compares with the rest of the world.

The importance of having a dedicated person to facilitate your enterprise social network
Do you have a thriving online Enterprise Social Network where working out loud, knowledge sharing and asking the crowd is the norm? Or has your ESN been turned on and left to fend for itself?
If it’s the latter, it’s time to consider a dedicated community manager who can help breathe life into your ESN and nurture a successful online community.

2022 Yammer & Viva Engage Community Champions
Helping to save the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children, fostering a culture of connection and collaboration which has helped deliver medication to the elderly and establishing a network of community managers to foster conversations – these are just some of the feats achieved by this year’s Yammer & Viva Engage Community Champions.

Predictions about Viva Engage Storylines
Will Viva Engage storylines make it easier for people to post because they do not have to worry about finding a relevant community?
Will Viva Engage storylines be wildly popular, or will storylines be a dud?
SWOOP CEO Cai Kjaer tackles these questions head on and his answers are backed by years of similar data.

Viva Engage, Yammer and Storylines: What it means for SWOOP Analytics
The new Storyline feature for Viva Engage (aka Yammer) is now in public preview. Be assured that SWOOP Analytics is already capturing and reporting on posts made to storylines and communities.
Learn more about how Storylines are reported in SWOOP and our plans for the future.

Social learning in action
A Yammer community can become social learning in action and what better way to learn than from your own colleagues. Social learning on Yammer means it can be scaled across geographies and operate at very low cost.

Announcing the 2021 Yammer Community Champions!
The competition was fierce, but SWOOP Analytics and Microsoft’s worldwide search has uncovered the most passionate Yammer community managers for 2021.
We announce the winners in this article.

What is a good balance between Channel discussions and Chat in Microsoft Teams?
What is a good balance between Channel discussions and Chat in Microsoft Teams? It’s all about synchronous AND asynchronous communication.
Dr Laurence Lock Lee explains more.

While you were sleeping - connecting shift workers with Yammer
It can get pretty lonely working in the middle of the night in London while the rest of the city sleeps. For London Underground’s maintenance workers and engineers, the hours between midnight and 5am are some of the busiest.
Learn how Transport for London uses Yammer to help connect employees across the network and why it was identified as one of the world’s top Yammer networks.

Migrating groups between Microsoft Teams “Teams” and Yammer “Communities”
If you have more than 10 people in your team on Microsoft Teams, there’s every chance your “team” should be a “community” in Yammer.
We’ll help you determine where a group should be hosted - Yammer or Teams - and how to migrate between the two.

How to revive your online community
Learn how to revive your Yammer or Workplace from Facebook community.

5 step guide to running thriving communities
A 5-step guide to creating and maintaining your Yammer Community or Workplace from Facebook group.
Increase adoption: The case for promoting groups on Yammer or Workplace
Is there business value in joining more groups and communities on Yammer or Workplace from Facebook?
We’ve done the analysis and the answer might surprise you!
Engagement matters and education is an engagement sport
Engagement matters and education is an engagement sport. An analysis of Yammer networks on online university courses.

Working from home – data shows we’re adapting and staying positive
There's no doubting 2020 has been a tough year, which makes it perhaps even more surprising that research from SWOOP Analytics has found staff sentiment at work was far more positive than negative during the first six months of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Building an engaged, collaborative culture is serious fun
Building an engaged, collaborative culture is serious fun at data centre NEXTDC.