Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
The Impact of COVID-19 on Yammer Usage
Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
The Impact of COVID-19 on Yammer Usage
We are in the midst of arguably the biggest global disruption to our day-to-day work lives in history. It is therefore not surprising that management commentators, including the World Economic Forum, are signalling a “big reset” in the way we will work in the future. Largely the big reset centres on the wellbeing of human staff. Working from home (WFH) has forced management to be more trustful of their staff, providing greater scope for self-management.
So what was the impact of this on Yammer networks?
Sentiment overall was far more positive, than negative
In the early periods of WFH, the sentiment seemed to be at its highest levels (strongly positive). Over time though, the sentiment did tend to moderate somewhat as the reality of the working arrangements started to emerge; with some of the “strongly positive” sentiment moving toward “somewhat positive”. That said, we saw no real movement in negative sentiment across the whole sample, so on the whole a good story. Organisations are adapting.
Stylised view of sentiment analysis reviewed across all organisations.
Stylised version of a fusion of the Keyword Clouds analysed.
Keywords were also largely positive
The SWOOP Keyword Analysis Tool determined that keywords were largely positive across Yammer networks globally.
The words “COVID” or “Coronavirus” did not feature heavily in any of the networks studied. In fact, the top word used for all of the Key Word Clouds analysed across networks was “Thanks”.
Other prominent terms included “Team”, “People”, “Information”, “Time”, “Week”, “Customer”. One might interpret from the above that staff are no longer obsessed with COVID-19 disruptions in their work day. In many ways, work looks like it has gone back to normal.
There is no better time to leverage Yammer
There is no better time for senior leadership to leverage Yammer to engage their staff in not only surviving, but to thrive, especially as the COVID-19 constraints start to loosen in some countries and step up in others. Here are some simple but real CEO questions that have garnered huge responses and engagement:
“What processes and technologies should we eliminate?”
“Tell me what topics are of interest to you? Anything goes... be fearless...”
“How can senior managers listen more attentively to your ideas and concerns?”
Download your free copy of the 2020 Yammer Benchmarking report
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