Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
Summary of Key Insights
Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
Summary of Key Insights
The 2020 SWOOP Benchmarking Study of Yammer delivered the following key insights:
COVID-19 has impacted the overall use of Yammer
After reaching peak activity levels for transition to working from home (WFH) in March/April, the majority of sites experienced a drop in activity after the initial WFH period. For the six months from March 2020 the activity levels fell, on average, 8% compared with the same period in 2019, despite the peak in March/April. We make assumption this is due to furloughs and changes to organisational structure.
Sentiment was up
SWOOP sentiment analysis identified good levels of positive sentiment being sustained throughout the benchmarking period. The highest levels of positive sentiment (“Strongly Positive”) occurred just after the WFH transition (April/May), but then moderated slightly to “Somewhat Positive” as people settled into their new normal.
Best practices for a successful Yammer network during the pandemic:
Keeping Yammer fun and thereby attracting employees to the platform, making health and well-being a priority, ensuring leaders communicate and make themselves accessible and measuring employee engagement with data were the common themes for a successful Yammer network. WFH has seen a flattening of the hierarchy, as informal socialisation has moved from the office to online.
Compared with 2019, replies to posts grew 13%
Levels of member-to-member engagement and innovation grew in 2020. We found employees were replying twice as much as posting. This suggests Yammer discussions are moving in the right direction. This year’s performance is a 13% improvement on 2019.
The most frequently used keyword was “Thank You”
The most common word, by far, for all key words analysed across Yammer networks was “Thanks”. The SWOOP Key Word analysis suggests organisations were talking little about COVID-19 and were mostly getting on with their work.
Yammer Communities come in more than a single flavour
Our statistical analysis of almost 9,000 Yammer Communities identified five distinct Yammer Community types:
• Communities of Practice
• Question & Answer (Q&A)
• Information Sharing
• Announcement
• Low Responsiveness
Download your free copy of the 2020 Yammer Benchmarking report
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