Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
The SWOOP Digital Brain
Yammer Benchmarking 2020:
The SWOOP Digital Brain
What’s the big idea?
The ‘Digital Brain’ concept draws from a new, more intense focus on staff wellbeing that emerged as a common theme in 2020.
The big idea is that, the Microsoft 365 suite is playing the role of “Digital Twin” for our own human brains. We recently authored an article “Working From Home: Are You Overworked, Overwhelmed or Overjoyed?”, which draws from the work of neuro-economist Paul Zac to identify nuances in workplace overload and the mediating effects of trusted online networks. In the article we draw from Microsoft Teams as the ‘digital twin’.
Our human brains are our most complex organ
It is the place where personal trade-offs are made: Should I be working on strategic or tactical stuff now? Should I take the lead or simply follow and support? How should I prioritise my day? Should I call a meeting or just chat? Should I solicit help on this or just barge ahead myself? Should I take some time out now or get that report out?
The aim of the Digital Brain is to surface and make visible the choices individuals are taking. Our human biases can sometimes blind us to what choices or preferences we are actually showing. The Digital Brain can make visible actions that may not be apparent to us and therefore help us to become more self-aware. When aggregated to the group or even enterprise level, the insights could be even more revealing. The human brain does not operate if its component parts are not interlinked. It is the same with the digital brain.
The value flow of information through the O365 Digital Brain.
Download your free copy of the 2020 Yammer Benchmarking report
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