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SWOOP Chat - Show me the money: What's the ROI on Collaboration?
Distinguished Fellow & Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, acclaimed author, researcher, consultant and collaboration expert Dr Heidi Gardner joins SWOOP Analytics to do a deep dive into the ROI on collaboration.

SWOOP Chat – Microsoft’s Modern Collaboration Architecture (MOCA), with Rishi Nicolai
Rishi Nicolai, Digital Culture and Change Specialist at Microsoft speaks about MOCA and the importance of behavioural change for effective collaboration.

SWOOP Chat with ANZ Bank
ANZ Bank shares its experience using Microsoft Teams and Yammer to keep employees connected and collaborating during the COVID-19 pandemic. ANZ explains how data from SWOOP Analytics has increased engagement from executive leaders on Yammer, allowing leaders to build genuine relationships and trust across the organisation.

SWOOP Chat - What does "good" look like in Microsoft Teams?
We give you a brief overview of the findings from our world first benchmarking of Microsoft Teams, share with you worst practices in Teams, show you what a high performing team looks like and share real-life best practices from customers.

SWOOP Chat with Jessica Lipnack
Jessica Lipnack is the author of Virtual Teams, a book written in 1997 but one that describes how most people are working during the COVID-19 crisis. Jessica and SWOOP Chief Scientist Dr Laurence Lock Lee discuss how to keep teams productive while working virtually and the new challenges facing leaders around the world.

SWOOP Chat with Humana
Jeff Ross and Nick Wallander, online Community Managers at US health insurer Humana, share their journey engaging 43,000+ employees and 24,000+ contractors on Yammer and Microsoft Teams, especially during the COVID-19 work from home environment.

SWOOP Chat with RACQ
Learn how one of Australia’s largest member organisations, providing roadside assistance, insurance, banking and more, is using Microsoft Teams and Yammer to keep employees connected with leaders during the COVID-19 work from home environment.

How to ask questions that create connections and impact for leaders
Leaders asking questions on Enterprise Social Networks increases engagement with employees by a factor of 10 times more than making announcements. In this video we explore the fears leaders face when asking questions, the cost of NOT asking questions and how to ask the right questions to keep employees engaged and connected.

Cross-generational collaboration at SWOOP Chat Sydney
What does a company of 30,000+ teenagers serving fast food have to do with a prestigious law firm, a government finance department and a catholic university? Despite the completely different roles of these organisations, they all use SWOOP Analytics to measure how their employees connect on their Enterprise Social Network (ESN), in this case Microsoft’s Yammer or Workplace by Facebook.

SWOOP Chat NYC – Why we do what we do
I left SWOOP Chat New York with a clear focus on why we, in the world of the Enterprise Social Networks, do what we do. Ultimately, we do it to give whomever we’re aiming to serve, whether it’s a customer, a community, a vulnerable child, the best and most efficient service while providing them, and those helping them, with the correct and the best information.

Nothing’s new – yet it’s all new: Reflections from SWOOP Chat ’18 (APAC)
Last week we held our inaugural SWOOP Chat ’18 in Sydney which brought together expert practitioners, researchers and thought leaders from across Australia to further nurture and build the community of people who are wanting to drive business performance, employee engagement, conversation and collaboration within our organisations.